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Large shipment separated into 2 warehouses

by Seller_zW549UdeiYG4L

Hi guys,

I have a huge shipment ready to send to Amazon in France.

Unfortunately when I created the shipment they have separated my shipment to go to two warehouses.

Does anyone have any advice on how to change this? I cannot pay for two separate shipments, all of the products are the same in both shipments.

One is 300 units the other is 1800.

I know when I contact seller support there is no fix for this, but has anyone found any way around this?

Tags: Payments
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In reply to: Seller_zW549UdeiYG4L’s post

Others have mentioned deleting it and trying again however , that doesn’t always work
It’s a bit of a catch 22 as ideally, you need to create the shipment first to check it doesn’t do this but you can’t without the weights etc

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In reply to: Seller_zW549UdeiYG4L’s post

As per above it’s trial and error remaking shipments and hoping Amazon’s capacity has changed. I know people used to do it a lot, but I think these days it may impact restock limits.

Not too sure, but I think when you delete a shipment it can take 24hrs for the system to free the space in your restock limit.

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In reply to: Seller_zW549UdeiYG4L’s post

It used to be that you could specify one FC to send to, and they charged 50 cents per unit for the priviledge. Sadly, I don’t think that it’s an option anymore.

Presumably the reason as to why you cannot send in two shipments, is because the goods are being sent directly from Asia. If so, I would probably suggest just having the first 1800 shipped, and try and get the factory to hold the other 300 for adding to any subsequent order.

The only other solution is to bite the bullet and pay for the two shipments, or have the other 300 sent to the UK and store them here, in preparation for replenishment as and when needed.

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In reply to: Seller_zW549UdeiYG4L’s post

Thanks everyone.

So I deleted the workflow and waited 24 hours. Then I made the shipment and added just one of the ASIN’s they had separated before and same issue, it would need to be sent on its own.

Will try contacting Seller Support when they open this morning, but Im not hopeful.

Are there issues if I were to just send all as one shipment, just omit the 300 units in the workflow but send anyway?

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In reply to: Seller_zW549UdeiYG4L’s post

You could try creating a much larger shipment so that when they are split the amounts at each FC are still above what you are sending.

You could then send it and ‘be short’ on some of the lines.

The downside of this is that when they do not receipt the item correctly (this is a certainty) it will make it difficult to reconcile for any genuine missing items. Particularly if they think there is still outstanding boxes so makes sure that the number of boxes is correct.

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In reply to: Seller_zW549UdeiYG4L’s post

Have you guys ever heard of a site called Getida? I use it, they reconcile all my shipments for me and chase any reimbursements etc. I’ve found them pretty good, they do take 25% but its honestly been so helpful!

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In reply to: Seller_zW549UdeiYG4L’s post

Do you have any referral code for seller board?

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In reply to: Seller_zW549UdeiYG4L’s post

Ok, I had a quick look at it, I think it works out around the same as Getida, they do not handle every reimbursement just the ones that Amazon misses/underpays. Seller board is €15p/m and some months I do not pay Getida at all as there are no reimbursements. I’ll give it a go though at some point as it seems to have a lot more benefits, thanks!!

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In reply to: Seller_zW549UdeiYG4L’s post

Wow ok I’ll definitely give it a go. I used to use Refund Genie years back so there might not be as much there but worth a try!

Does it involve much work from you? Or does it pull everything from Amazon and do it automatically?

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