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Removal order contains an error. Please try again. The field Address has an invalid value

by Seller_zuYZQj6LEwvg9

I am trying to create a removal order for unfulfillable stock. I get an error which says “Removal order contains an error. Please try again.
The field Address has an invalid value”.
The address I am using is my home address and is the same as last time. I am in Northern Ireland, is this suddenly the problem as it has worked fine for the last couple of years using the same address as my previous removal orders.

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In reply to: Seller_zuYZQj6LEwvg9’s post

I’m based in Northern Ireland, and am getting the exact same problem…

Did you find a solution?

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In reply to: Seller_zuYZQj6LEwvg9’s post


Same problem here, trying to get a large amount of stock back but not letting me either due to my address… Always something with amazon

Have you had any updates since?

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In reply to: Seller_zuYZQj6LEwvg9’s post

I am in NI and getting the same error message when trying to remove inventory and before it was never an issue. Have you have any luck getting any proper information on this?

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In reply to: Seller_zuYZQj6LEwvg9’s post

This is the latest response I got. I have just re-opened the case pointing out that Northern Ireland is part of the UK…

We understand you are having an issue creating a removal order to be shipped to Northern Ireland address.

You may try to visit Amazon Service Provider Network for international shipment. Please click on the link below:

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In reply to: Seller_zuYZQj6LEwvg9’s post

I got this response, but I haven’t had an opportunity to try it yet.

We see that you are getting error while creating the removal order, so we suggest you to create the removal order using the removal order file.

  1. Under Prepare your removal order file, click Download template. Follow the instructions in the workbook to complete your removal request list. Make sure that you review the Instructions, Removal data definitions, and Examples tabs in the workbook before completing the list on the Removal request tab.
  2. When you have completed the list on the Removal request tab, click File, then click Save as. Browse to the location where you want to save the file. In the Save as type drop-down list, select Text.
  3. To submit your removal order, under Upload your removal order file, click Browse. Browse to the location where you saved your tab-delimited removal request and click Open. Under Upload your removal order file, click Upload now.
  4. Under Review file status and history, you can review the results of your last ten removal request uploads, including the date, time, batch ID, and status. Click Refresh to see the most recent results. If there is any error, click View processing report and view the details. This report will help you to resolve any error. After the errors are resolved, go to step 2 and reupload the file.
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In reply to: Seller_zuYZQj6LEwvg9’s post

After opening a case with amazon and going back and forth this is the response I got.

''I understand your concern regarding creating a removal order with Northern Ireland addresses.

I reviewed your case, and I’ve to inform you that following the end of the Brexit transition period, B2B shipments greater than £135 moving between Great Britain and Northern Ireland now require customs declarations. As a result, we are no longer able to fulfil removal orders for FBA inventory to addresses based in Northern Ireland.

As we are no longer able to process removal orders to Northern Ireland addresses, in order to have your inventory returned, you will need to:

  1. Create a removal order with a fulfilment address in Great Britain for us to send the inventory to, and
    Arrange for a carrier to collect and return the items back to you from that location.’’

I’ve explained multiple times that NI is apart of the UK but If this is true it’s going to cause alot of headaches and extra cost going forward.

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In reply to: Seller_zuYZQj6LEwvg9’s post

Yes they are, I’m looking to return 200 units atleast to add a new product because of amazons new restock limits which is a joke aswell. Not only are you going to pay £0.60 removal fee per unit but also you are going to have to pay a carrier to ship to NI, I’m not even sure on how this would work because the way FBA works is that amazon splits up the shipments across England to as many fulfilment centres as possible so it could take dozens of shipments before you truly receive all your stock back before you could get it shipped over to NI. There’s no way they can keep this rule in place but I wouldn’t be surprised either way.

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In reply to: Seller_zuYZQj6LEwvg9’s post

Just come across this issue today too, we are also in Northern Ireland, auto-removals has been working, we had a few things returned recently, but doing a manual return to bring back something that isn’t selling, i’m getting the same ‘The field Address has an invalid value’ error.
We’ve already come across the issue of Northern Ireland getting treated differently when trying to send stock to europe using the partnered carrier programme, we’re no longer eligible for it, now if they are going to do this to us too, lost for words…

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In reply to: Seller_zuYZQj6LEwvg9’s post

Hey guys now that the problem has been identified. Would anyone be able to come up with a solution, in terms of a courier or service that Amazon can ship to in GB to then have forwarded on to in N Ireland? Ideally something cost effective like.

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In reply to: Seller_zuYZQj6LEwvg9’s post

I’d love to know where they get the ‘goods over £135 require a customs declaration’ from, the whole point of northern ireland protocol is so there is no customs between the 2

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